Members of a Dental Team
Members of a Dental Practice Team:
General Dental Practitioners (GDPs) provide a wide range of treatments such as Fillings, Extractions, Root Canal Treatments, Minor Oral Surgery, Crowns, Bridges and Dentures. They are normally the first clinician you will see at a dental practice. They undergo 5 years of training and study at a University Dental School to gain the qualification of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS or BChD) and a further year of Foundation/Vocational Training in a dental practice. GDPs may later go on to gain further qualifications to broaden their experience and deepen their expertise, such as providing Implants and Clear Aligners on a Private basis; being classified as Dentists with a Special Interest or Enhanced Skills and provide services which lay between GDPs and Specialists.
Dentists that have qualified abroad may be able to take the Overseas Registration Examination (ORE or Statutory Exam) to be registered by the General Dental Council (GDC). Dentists qualified from Sweden or EEA states are exempt from having to do ORE and are permitted full registration with GDC with their overseas qualification. Overseas dentists with qualifications from certain universities before certain dates (on or before the year 2000) from Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa are also exempt from having to take the ORE.
Dentists must be GDC-registered (including keeping up with Continuing Professional Development), hold appropriate Indemnity Insurance, have Hepatitis-B vaccination/titre and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and work on a Self-Employed basis. NHS Dentists also need a Performer number.
Specialists have trained twice as long in their career path as compared to GDPs and are able to provide treatments within their chosen field to the highest standards. There are 13 different Dental Specialist groups, but in dental practices you will most commonly find Orthodontists, Endodontists, Oral Surgeons, Periodontists, Prosthodontists and Restorative Dentists. Dental Specialists have completed their BDS and 2 years of Vocational Training to go on to do:
A 2-year Dental Core Training course at a Dental Hospital where they can gain further qualifications such as a Diplomas of Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (MFDS) or Membership of the Joint Dental Facalties (MJDF) or Masters of Science (MSc).
This helps them to be approved for a 3-year Specialist Training programme such as Master of Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent) or Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (DClinDent) in their chosen specialist field.
They can then enter into the Speciality Membership Exit Exam to gain a Diploma of Membership in their chosen field (e.g. MOrtho, MEndo, MOralSurg, MSurgDent or MPerio) and the Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) from the GDC to be placed on the Specialist List. There are also other routes to be on the GDC Specialist List, such as those for specialists from abroad.
Orthodontists with MOrth, Oral Surgeons with MOralSurg or MSurgDent can also make the final progression to a 2-year course to take the Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (ISFE) to become a Consultant in their chosen field. Restorative Dentists differ as their Specialist Training is 5 years and includes the ISFE to become a Consultant with MRD. They can then have Fellowship with their Royal College of Surgeons to add the post-nominals MOrth, FDS or MRD with either RCSEng, RCSEd or RCPSG. The earliest a person can achieve Dental Consultant position is 32 years of age (Max-Fax Consultants qualify later with FRCS as they also need to complete a 3-year Medical Degree before starting their specialist training).
MFDS and MJDF holders can also apply to their Royal College of Surgeons (England, Edinburgh or Glasgow) for Membership which means their post-nominals MFDS or MJDF are extended with RCSEng, RCSEd or RCPSG. Memberships can be upgraded to Fellowships after 5 years. Both Membership and Fellowship can be attained without examination through experience and significant contribution and sponsorship from two Fellowship holders (one of whom needs to be from the same College).
Specialists must be GDC registered (including keeping up with Continuing Professional Development), hold appropriate Indemnity Insurance, have Hepatitis-B vaccination/titre and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and work on a Self-Employed basis. NHS Specialists also need a Performer number.
Hygienists and Therapists
Dental Hygienists are able to clean patients teeth and help stabilise gum disease. Dental Therapists are able to do Extractions of Baby teeth and Fillings which are not close to the pulp. Orthodontic Therapists are able to place Orthodontic brackets and wires. All work under the guidance of a Dentist or Specialist. They must have completed a GDC-approved qualification (such as a 2-year Diploma or 3-year Bachelor of Science) to be GDC-registered and be able to work in a dental practice.
Hygienists and Therapists must be GDC-registered (including keeping up with Continuing Professional Development), hold appropriate Indemnity Insurance, have Hepatitis-B vaccination/titre and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and work on either a Self-Employed or Salaried basis. Hygienists and Therapists are not recognised as Performers even if they provide NHS services and so need a Dentist Performer to send off NHS claims on their behalf...although this has recently changed with Direct Access approved by the GDC, I would still recommend that hygienists and therapists work under the guidance of a dentist.
Nurses provide essential support and assistance to Dentists, Specialists, Therapists and Hygienists within the surgeries. They must have completed, or be a trainee on, a GDC-approved Dental Nursing course...such as a 1-year National Diploma in Dental Nursing (NEBDN), National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Level 3 in Dental Nursing or Certificate of Higher Education in be able to work in a dental practice. Dental Nursing Assistant or Dental Nursing Assistant Level 3 qualifications are NOT eligible for GDC registration. Nurses that have been working since 2004 are exempt from the need to have qualifications as part of their GDC registration.
Nurses do not need a Performer number, but must be GDC registered (including keeping up with Continuing Professional Development), hold appropriate Indemnity Insurance, have Hepatitis-B vaccination/titre and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and work on a Salaried basis.
Dental Receptionists make bookings, take payments, deal with patients outside of the surgery and carry out other administrative duties for the practice. They are not GDC-registered and do not need any formal educational requirements, although the employer will require that they have great communication and customer-service skills as they are the first point-of-contact for patients and visitors to the dental practice. Also being able to show good numeracy and literacy skills will be beneficial.
They have an essential role in the overall running of the practice and the patient's opinion of the practice as a whole.
Receptionists do not need GDC registration, Indemnity Insurance, Hepatitis-B vaccination/titre or Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and work on a Salaried basis.
Dental Practice Managers are responsible for the business-side of a dental practice, dealing with any issues that may arise and ensuring the practice is following appropriate rules, regulations and guidance. They work in an office in the dental practice and do not need to be in the surgeries. They are not GDC-registered and do not need any formal educational requirements, although the employer will require that they have management experience and ideally from a previous dental practice. Qualifications specific to the position do exist, such as a Diploma in Dental Practice Management.
They have an essential role in ensuring the practice meets standards and requirements, supporting staff, resolving disputes and maintaining good morale within the dental practice.
Managers need to be registered with Care Quality Commission (CQC), but do not need GDC registration, Indemnity Insurance, Hepatitis-B vaccination/titre or Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and work on a Salaried basis.
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